Virtual Support Groups for Parents and Young Adults


Virtual Support Groups Available During COVID-19

Wayside’s Parent-Peer Partnership Program support services are available virtually during COVID-19. Parents, caregivers and young adults can join any of the virtual groups for free. All groups are confidential and are funded by the Department of Mental Health. For questions, please email or call the contacts listed below.

Parent/Caregiver Support Groups

The weekly support groups below are for parents and caregivers who are raising children and young adults with mental illness. We would like to invite all parents/caregivers and young adults to join our virtual groups! Even though groups are listed by area please feel free to join any group that is convenient for you. 

Canton Parent/Caregiver Groups: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays

Open Discussion – Mondays, 6-8 p.m.

Open Discussion – Tuesdays, 10:30-12:30 p.m.

For questions, contact facilitator Kelly Murphy or 508-250-0622

Framingham Parent/Caregiver Groups: Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Open Discussion – Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30  a.m.

Transition Age Youth (ages 16-25) – Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m.

Open Discussion – Thursdays, 11-1 p.m.

Contact group facilitator Christi Fagerberg to RSVP.

Email: Christi_ or call 508-469-3297 or 470-601-7602

Framingham/Grandparents Group

This group meets the second and fourth Friday of each month

Friday 9:30 – 11 a.m.

Facilitator Dodi Hardsog

Email: or call 508-469-3221

Lowell Parent/Caregiver Open Discussion Groups, Tuesdays & Thursdays

Open Discussion (Española and Portuguese) – Second and fourth Monday of the month, 11 a.m. -12 p.m.

Open Discussion – Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.

Open Discussion – Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m.

Contact group facilitators Roberta Agostinho and Malik Marrero to RSVP.

Email: or call 978-349-4177

Email: or call 978-349-4171

Medford Special Education Clinics

Our clinics are free and open to any parents, guardians or caregivers who need help with their child’s IEP.

Tuesdays, 9:30-11 a.m.

Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m.

Contact: Carol Silva, family support specialist, to schedule an appointment or 781-423-5218

Waltham Parent/Caregiver Open Discussion Groups: Wednesdays & Thursdays

Open Discussion – Wednesday, 6:30-8 p.m.

Open Discussion – Thursdays, 9:30-11 a.m.

Contact group facilitator Catherine Picciotto for link and to RSVP.

Email: or call 781-966-5690

Young Adult Groups (ages 16-25)

Our weekly activity groups are open to any young adult, ages 16-25. Activities include art, music and crafts. 

Adulting 101,Young Adult Skills Group

Thursdays, 6-8 p.m., Zoom

Email: or call 508-469-3284 or 401-702-0173

Email: or call 508-202-0714

Speak Your Thoughts, Open Conversation Group

Mondays, 5-7 p.m., Zoom

Contact facilitator Evan McDonald or call 508-499-8950

Music on My Mind Activity Group

Thursdays, 5-7 p.m., Zoom

Contact group facilitators Abby Burgener and Felecia Violette for a Zoom invite.

Email: or call 508-656-0539

Email: or call 781-728-5625

NOVA Activity Group

Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m., Zoom

Contact group facilitators Josh Lucente and Cameron Hulme for a Zoom meeting invite.

Email: or call: 508-202-0073

Email: Cameron_ or call: 857-244-0420

Sketch-Y Minds Activity Group

Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m., Zoom

Contact group facilitator Sabrina Franco Medina or Brianna Lynch for a Zoom meeting invite.

Email: or call 508-469-3284 or 401-702-0173 or call 508-202-0714

Open Mic

Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m.

Facilitators: Abby Burgener and Diana Duquette

Virtual Open Studios

Wednesdays & Fridays, 12- 2 p.m. Facebook Live

Tuesdays & Thursdays 1-3 p.m., YouTube Live

Contact group facilitator David Sebastian for more information.

Email: or call 617-513-8003


Wayside’s Parent-Peer Partnership Program’s support services are funded by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Groups for Caregivers & Youth

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