One Antiracist Action You Can Take Today: Change A Word Change A Life – Honor Transgender Day of Visibility on Friday March 31st.

By Amy Hogarth, Director of Training and Equity Culture
The campaign, Change a Word Change a Life, was founded to call more attention to using proper pronouns can support members of the LGTBQIA+ community.
Read and Learn These Statistics: about LGBTQ MetroWest Youth
The MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey (MWHAS) is conducted by Education Development Center, Inc. with funding from the MetroWest Health Foundation. The MWAHS is an anonymous survey of youth in 25 communities. 40,772 students took surveys, representing over 90% of students in the region. One of the largest student surveys in the nation, its goal is to inform local policies and programs.
· Schools are required to treat transgender youth under TITLE IX the federal law that sex discrimination in education.
- More on this here: getting_down_to_basics_-_2015
· Lamda Legal is a force for the support and justice for LGBTQIA+ Youth
- Please use this document to support LGBTQIA+ Affirming Care ed-factsheet-transgender-202106
Watch Videos and Share with others
- Gender Affirming Care Video: - Gender Pro-Nouns Video: