One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Remember Them, Transgender Day of Remembrance

On November 20th we remember the lives of transgender people who have been murdered that year. This past year 350 transgender and gender diverse people, many of which were people of color, were murdered globally. They are discriminated against at higher rates, have higher health disparities, have higher gaps in income and access to supports. Today we remember them and ask what we have the power to do to support the transgender community. One action Wayside staff are uniquely able to take is to sign the pledge outlined by the GALAP organization to provide free and low-cost letters for gender affirming access to medical care.
We would also like to highlight the work of local agencies supporting transgender youth. They work very hard on supporting transgender & non-binary children. Two of the below agencies have been started by transgender folx. They do work for transgender and non-binary youth of seeing “what this body can do” and then doing it! This has a real impact on self-esteem.
Sign The Pledge: