One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Educate Yourself on the Laws & Push for Change

One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Educate Yourself on the Laws & Push for Change

By Amy Hogarth
Director of Recruitment and Inclusion

We are thrilled that the new administration is giving racial equity respect and attention – there is no time to waste when it comes to systemic change. It is invigorating to see our leaders who have white privilege use that privilege to take steps to empower folx who need equity.

The work is only starting – it is very important for those of us in social work to help ensure the voices of the unheard are heard and are represented by those making laws, making change and helping support folx of all races, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Today’s executive orders on racial equality are a calling in to those with white privilege to do their work and examine ways they have benefited from discrimination and inequity.As we approach Black History Month let it be four weeks that white people seek to understand that history of black folxs is filled with harm and pain inflicted on black bodies. It seems like an important time for white folxs to educate themselves about some of the laws that white folx benefit from and get interested in repair, reparations and restoration.

Read more about the significance, and reaction to, the Executive Orders on Racial Equity:



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