One Antiracist Action You Can Take Today: Add Crazy Horse To Your List Of Idols

Crazy Horse, or Tasunke Witko, has become a symbol of resistance for his refusal to accept confinement to reservations for his people. A warrior and leader in the Lakota tribe, the Crazy Horse Memorial seeks to honor that resistance with the largest sculpture in the world when completed. The scale and scope of the monument and the accompanying museums and learning centers seek to educate others on the history of Crazy Horse and the indigenous peoples of America.
“By the mid-1870s, Crazy Horse had been fighting for more than a decade for the Oglalas and the Lakota Nation. He had blocked railroad surveys, killed invading settlers and inspired his fellow warriors in the Battle of Red Buttes, the Fetterman Fight, the Wagon Box Fight and many other hostile encounters with the U.S. Army. In these confrontations, Crazy Horse designed big, idiosyncratic maneuvers using decoys and counterintuitive battle plans that confused soldiers, securing years of relative safety for his people.”
“On December 6, 1875 the Commissioner of Indian Affairs declared that all free roaming bands of Lakota Sioux must return to their reservation by January 31, 1876. Crazy Horse did not respond to this ultimatum, and joined in the resistance to the military enforcement of the ultimatum. On June 17, 1876, along with more than 1,200 warriors, Crazy Horse helped defeat General George Crook at the Battle of the Rosebud. Eight days later he helped defeat the 7th Cavalry at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.”
Learn more about Crazy Horse, the memorial, and share his story as foundational to America as those of the founding fathers.